Hybrid app development framework for mobile app development

Manish Sharma, January 18, 2021

best hybrid app development framework

In recent years, hybrid mobile app development has changed the entire landscape for the web developers and has made it easier for them to create any kind of app which performs quite efficiently on different platforms like Android, iOS without any extra effort. There are numerous advantages of Hybrid apps that includes access to a large range of different software/hardware capabilities as well as probability along with cost-effective development. It makes developing Hybrid apps a profitable venture for the developers. The most essential aspect of this entire process is that you require advanced and high-quality app framework in order to build hybrid applications. That’s why you need to choose a mobile framework carefully. So, let’s look at the three best hybrid app development framework in 2018.

Best hybrid app development framework 2018

1. Flutter

  • It has arrived in the market and caused ripples in the entire mobile app development landscape. It is backed by Google, and you are allowed to build native Android and iOS applications but quite differently from various type of cross-platform frameworks. It allows you to develop applications for Android and iOS using the programming language of Google, Dart.

  • The most salient feature of Flutter is that you aren’t using WebView in order to render the app as well as won’t be using different native UI components.

  • Flutter also utilizes the Skia which is a 2D rendering engine in order to create different visual contents on the mobile screen, and these components are particularly themed to look like Cupertino style widgets as well as native Material design, they aren’t actually so. It also provides the best hot-reload functionality which allows the testing of the app quite seamless without any requirement of restarting the app.so we put this no 1 best hybrid app development framework 2018

2. Ionic

  • This hybrid app development framework in open-source SDK for the hybrid mobile application development. It is built on the top of Apache Cordova and Angular, and it also provides services as well as tools for the development of hybrid mobile apps utilizing web technologies such as HTML5, CSS etc. Applications can be easily built with these different web technologies and then can easily be distributed via native app stores in order to be installed on various devices by leveraging the Cordova. It is free to use and supported by a community of people worldwide. There are over 120 native features of the device like HealthKit, Bluetooth, Finger Print Auth as along with TypeScript extensions as well as PhoneGap and Cordova plugins. You can also utilize their CLI in order to create, build, as well as test and deploy the Ionic applications onto different platforms. You can also develop different apps by the Live Reload since in order to compile as well as redeploy the application at different steps of development is quite easy.

3. React Native

  • React Native is among the most popular hybrid app development frameworks. It provides the developers to create cross-platform applications without any effort which offer a native-like experience to the users of the app. It has a great community of developers in order to assist you in case there is any state of deadlock. Even though this framework isn’t meant for beginners to start developing, its huge community does encourage the developers to try it and explore more. Well above mention top 3 frameworks for mobile app development below are other frameworks those are popular for app development.

Other Popular Hybrid apps development Frameworks you need to know


Backed by Microsoft XAMARIN is also gaining popularity. Using C# back-end and Native UI can be built by XAMARIN. This offer inbuilt editor convert apps native inform methods. Mostly preferred by business form apps.


Backed by Adobe. One of the Old hybrid app development frameworks using HTML5, CSS and web view with Apache Cordova stack for creating mobile apps. this is best suited for content-rich apps. The performance of this low compare to other best frameworks because this work on web view.


Open source frameworks built by community developers. However this is not fitting for building complex apps but prototype kind of apps can be managed by inbuilt transition animation, native scrolling features.

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